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Honorary Bench

Honorary Benches  are a great way to honor loved ones who have passed, those who have served our country or community, or to simply commemorate a special person or group. Benches may be placed in Community Park, Graham Park, and North Boundary Park.


We will guide you through the process as you select from the preferred bench locations, design the engraved plaque, and have the opportunity to host a memorial service/bench unveiling once installed.


Once full payment is received, it will take approximately 6 months for the bench to be fabricated and in place. 


If you wish to pay via check, please make check payable to CTCC with the 'Honorary Bench' in the Memo Line. Checks can be mailed to CTCC, 2525 Rochester Road, Suite 450, Cranberry Township, PA 16066

Honorary Bench

  • Honorary Bench Details:

    Honorary Bench ($5,000 donation): Included in your donation is a locally made, cast aluminum bench with a 10"x5" engraved plaque (55 total characters), installation, and upkeep. Additional plaque options include a logo of your choice ($100) or a headshot photo ($500). You may purchase online via card (includes fees) or by check (without fees).

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